Friday 25 June 2010

Technical Information

The entirety of my shooting for this brief has been done at home. As I do not have much photographic equipment available to me at home, my set-ups have had to have been very simple.

As noted in an earlier post for lighting on one shoot I used a modelling lamp which belongs to my dad to light the set-up. This lamp gives off a "natural light" effect; I have used it before when taking photographs for myself, liked it, and therefore decided to use it here. I think that it works well, and highlights little details of objects nicely.

The first few photographs on the contact sheet in this post were shot on the windowsill in my bedroom, and thus used natural light for lighting. The weather was quite dull on the day when I took these few images, so the lighting is not particularly brilliant. As mentioned before, I am also not overly happy with the white balance in these photos; I usually leave the white balance on my camera set to auto, and I think here, the photos look a bit too "orangey". They would have perhaps been better if I had thought to do a custom setting for the white balance.

With the last few photographs on this second contact sheet I used the modelling lamp again. It gave a nice effect over the newspaper that I had laid out, and illuminated it well.

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